Automatic deletion of issues

It is possible to set up automatic cleanup of old issues to free space. For that the property kiosk_autodelete_issues_enabled has to be enabled. Additionally the kiosk_autodelete_issues_default_max_count has to be configured as well. Only fully downloaded issues are counted towards this value with the exception of articles and issues that currently have bookmarks. The first time the user reaches the configured count (kiosk_autodelete_issues_default_max_count) of issues that fit this criteria a dialog is shown to notify the user about this feature. The user has the option to enable the feature with the default values, disable it or open the settings where the user can configure it. After each download the clean up process checks if there are too many issues and tries to delete old issues. Currently opened issues will be excluded and might be removed the next time. Issues are sorted by the last accessed date. This value is set initially when the download started and then every time the user opens this issue. If an issue has no last accessed date (e.g. update from an older app version) then the publication date is used as criteria where older issues are to be removed first.

Starting with Standard 8.0, the issue deletion is automatically enabled and deletion happens on every app resume and manually downloaded issues are now excluded from deletion, instead partially loaded issues are subject to automatic deletion.



New in version 3.14.0: (Android)

New in version 3.14.0: (iOS)

Type: boolean

Default: false

This property enables the automatic deletion feature.

New in version 3.14.0: (Android)

New in version 3.14.0: (iOS)

Type: Integer

Default: 10

This property defines the amount of issues to keep before deleting less frequently used issues.